Insurance solutions


If you need more information feel free to contact us:

Landline: 210 61 20 041-42

Mobile: 6942 20 33 13



Dear customer,

The Insurance Broker is the partner acting on your behalf in all the insurance issues and is not engaged by the insurance and reinsurance companies, like insurance consultants and insurance agents are.

The Insurance Broker’s professional quality is set by the European and consequently the conformed Greek Legislation. The relevant Quality Certificate is given by the Chamber of Tradesmen.

Our attention is captured by the fact that we live in a financial market of oligopoly or cartels- if not, in many cases, monopoly.

The result, as recorded in researches, is facing the basic problem of poverty, as it is perceived by the vast majority of consumers. Within this difficult situation, there is a field where things are not displeasing, but instead pleasant. This is the insurance field.

By choosing the Insurance Broker, whether you already have insurance or you want to start a new one, you can have the right programme of the right insurance company in the most beneficial and advantageous price for you.

So, without any burden on you, come by our office to discuss the most beneficial enhancement of your current insurance package or your future one for yourself, your family or your assets.

We hope that this first briefing has been of a little starting help for you.

Kindest regards,

Nikolaos Spiliotis

Our latest news

Car invoicing through internet

We can offer you more and better solutions than those advertised for automobile insurance policies by using the internet.



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Nice holidays!

We would like to inform you that our office will be closed during 10-20 of August. We wish to all of you to have nice nice vacations with relaxation!



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