Insurance solutions


If you need more information feel free to contact us:

Landline: 210 61 20 041-42

Mobile: 6942 20 33 13


Other insurances

The above mentioned insurance cases are the most common. However, besides them there are other, less known, like the ones concerning:

  • Environmental issues
  • Abductions and ransom
  • Corporate Executives Liabilities
  • Developing Markets
  • Occupational Public Liability
  • Financial losses
  • Credit dangers (insolvent customers etc.)
  • Aviation
  • Art objects

In general, it would be good to contact us in order to consults us on the insurance type you are interested in examining if it exists.

We live in a dynamically developing world, where new things come up all the time and so could the insurance type you are interested in and did not exist up until now.

Our latest news

Car invoicing through internet

We can offer you more and better solutions than those advertised for automobile insurance policies by using the internet.



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Nice holidays!

We would like to inform you that our office will be closed during 10-20 of August. We wish to all of you to have nice nice vacations with relaxation!



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